Friday, 24 September 2010

Lecture 1 Introduction to the Forward Problem

The video of the first lecture is available as a download (about 628MBytes). Kyriakos has made a smaller avi file or you can see it in 15min chunks part1, part2,part3,part4. We are trying Youtube (not yet sure resolution is enough) part1

There is a home work exercise implicit in the lecture. That is to check the calculation of the Dirichlet to Neumann map for the concentric anomaly by separation of variables. Another interesting thing to do is do some calculations of current and voltage patterns, and see how they change with rho and mu.

If you get anywhere with this post it in the comments too!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to Kyriakos for the video in avi format. We heard reports of it taking half an hour to download the big version in Canada.
