Thursday, 23 September 2010


With two new PhD students starting here in Manchester on Electrical Impedance Tomography reconstruction I have to get them quickly up to speed with the basics of reconstruction. My idea was to try to share this as much as possible with others starting out on learning EIT reconstruction (for medical, process or geophysical imaging) around the world.

I have not yet figured out how to do video streaming or video conferenceing in an easy way, so my first shot is to give a lecture (the first is today Thursday 23/09/2010 at 4pm in the Alan Turing Building Frank Adams Room 2), video it and post it on something like youtube.

Hopefully people following our impromptu course will be able to see the video and post queries and comments here on the blog.

Please introduce yourself as a comment to this post. Say at least your name, if you are a PhD student, postdoc or whatever and at what institution, and roughly what you are working on (or planning to work on)

Bill Lionheart


  1. Hi Bill and everyone, My name is Eduardo Santos and I'm on EIT because is my master degree's thesis here in the Universidad de la República, Uruguay. I'm electrical engineer, and the master degree is on electrical engineering and biomedical engineering.
    Thanks for sharing this.

  2. Hello,

    My name is Massoud Zolgharni. I have done my PhD on Magnetic Induction Tomography for stroke imaging. Currently, I am a postdoc fellow at Imperial College, working on image processing in echocardiography.
    This course would benefit me greatly.

    Many thanks,


  3. Hi,

    My name is Jeff Forsyth. I am a candidate for M.S. at Dartmouth College working on EIT for breast cancer detection.

  4. Hi Professor Lionheart,

    My name is Yuqing Wan, working with Prof Hartov, Prof Halter and Prof Borsic at Dartmouth College. I am a PhD student working on detecting prostate cancer with EIT technique. It's great that this course is offered and we are able to access it. Thanks a lot for sharing!


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi,

    My name is Kyriakos Paridis and I'm a 3rd year PhD student at the University of Manchester, working on anisotropic EIT reconstructions

  7. Hi, my name is Luca Dimiccoli. I'm a PhD student at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, where I work on inverse problems, with major enphasis on the EIT problem.

  8. Hi,

    I'm Michelle Mellenthin. I'm a PhD student at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, CO, USA. My undergraduate degree was in biomedical engineering, and I will be working on modeling and hardware for an EIT system imaging the thorax.

    Thanks for offering this class,


  9. Hi
    My name is Erick Perez and I'm a master student from the University of Guanajuato, Mexico. I'm doing my thesis about EIT. I'm physics engineer, and the master degree is on biomedical physics.

    Thanks a lot take us into consideration.

  10. Hi, Im Robert Hayes, a PhD student at the University of Manchester. My research focus is on imaging varying soil moisture distributions in the presense of a root system, with an aim to monitor root water uptake using EIT.

  11. I’m Dick Gordon I cosupervised:
    Murugan, R.M. (2000). An Improved Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) Algorithm for the Detection of Early Stages of Breast Cancer [Ph.D. Thesis, Supervisors: A. Wexler & R. Gordon]. Winnipeg, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Manitoba.

    and would like to get an update of EIT over the past decade.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Hi everybody, I'm Russell. I am one of the PhD students that Bill mentioned in his Welcome post. I am going to be working on reconstruction algorithms for EIT with various applications.

  14. hi. my name is Hristo Linkov and I am a medical physics student at Sofia University Bulgaria.
    I am working on EIT reconstruction with resistor

  15. Hi All. My name is Montaser Abdi, I am a second year PhD student at City University London. I will working on the inverse problem of the EIT. Thanks for sharing the valuable information.

  16. Hi everybody, my name is Doga Gursoy. I am currently working as a postdoc at Graz Univ. of Tech, Institute of Medical Imaging. My PhD was about the image reconstruction using magnetic induction tomography. Currently, I am shifting my interests more towards fluorescence optical tomography. Many thanks for sharing the lectures!

  17. Hallo everyone!
    My name is Thanos Baltopoulos. I am a PhD student at the Applied Mechanics Lab of the University of Patras, Greece. My work is on the application of ET for non-destructive inspection of materials.
    Thanx for starting this lecture series!

  18. Hello,

    EIT Reconstruction algorithms are the main research focus in my PhD at Carleton University, ON., Canada. I appreciate your effort in sharing the science.

  19. Hi i am Adnan.. I am student of Ms, in IIRC south KOrea. i start working on Image reconstruction of our own EIT systems.. i may be need your help, and this is very useful for me

  20. Hi sir thank you very much for the video lectures. I have just carried out several ERT experiments by using EIDORS, got some amazing results of water-plastic two phase stationary systems. I am doing masters in process engineering from PIEAS, Pakistan. Your video lectures helping me to investigate the technique more and more!!! Thanks again to Sir William Robert Bracken Lionheart!
